visual cortex (rodent)
The term visual cortex (rodent) refers to a set of cytoarchitecturally defined areas of the cerebral cortex of the mouse and the rat that are segmented differently by the authors of different atlases. Each system includes a primary visual area, which corresponds to the primary visual cortex in the primate, and a variable number of secondary areas. One atlas of the rat brain lists nine secondary areas: anterior laterolateral visual area, anterolateral visual area, anteromedial visual area, intermediolateral visual area, laterolateral visual area, mediolateral visual area, posterolateral visual area, rostrolateral visual area, and posteromedial visual area ( Swanson-2004 ). Another lists three areas of secondary visual cortex: lateral, mediolateral and mediomedial ( Paxinos-2009b ). One mouse brain atlas identifies six secondary parts: rostrolateral, anterolateral, lateral, posterolateral, anteromedial and posteromedial ( Hof-2000 ); another identifies five parts: anterolateral, anteromedial, lateral posterolateral and posteromedial ( Dong-2004 ); and another identifies three secondary areas: lateral, mediolateral and mediomedial ( Paxinos-2001 ).
Also known as: visual areasNeuroNames ID : 1911