The Internet Analysis Tools Registry
A listing of 157 image analysis tools available to the neuroscience community, hosted by the Center for Morphometric Analysis, Charlestown, MA |
NeuroNames Standard Nomenclature and Ontology
This section offers the NeuroNames standard nomenclature and ontology of CNS (brain and spinal cord) structures with Standard Names, Synonyms, Definitions and URLs to pages in BrainInfo that link to much further information about individual structures.
Macaque Atlas Templates for Warping to MRI and PET Scans
Use these templates to locate boundaries of structures not visible in MRI or PET scans. Follow instructions to download templates into an image-processing application such as PhotoShop. |
Macaque Atlas Templates for Mapping
Download these templates to map data for publication or web display. Follow instructions to download templates into an image-processing application such as PhotoShop. |
Print Your Own Stereotaxic Atlas of the Macaque Brain
Printable images of coronal sections taken at 1mm intervals and referenced stereotaxically to the bicommissural line.
Neuroanatomical Methods
Methods for creating a 3-D brain atlas include perfusion with methylene blue, conventional transcardiac perfusion technique, and a transcarotid method to obtain a fixed brain while leaving other tissues fresh for distribution. |